STOP trying to manifest THINGS! Ask for enrichment instead!

Alea Dawn

What if I told you that your efforts in manifesting THINGS was creating limitations in your life?  This was the message I received from my spiritual team this morning.

The Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction has been a game changer for many of us in today’s awakening world.  And what an incredible thing, right?

People of all walks of life are sharing gratitude and feeling more appreciation and are looking for the joy in their lives more than ever before.  This is a good thing.  And from it, people are manifesting like never before – for the most part.

You see before the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction were popular – it was still universal law.  Or was it?  Did the power of the way the masters interpreted these energy laws change the way they worked?

Oh you are very powerful you magical being…

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Garlic & Onions in the Pantry

Inexplicable Things Blog

Garlic is so awesome!

It’s sacred to Hekate – and you see it a lot at crossroads! It is THE perfect protection herb. Carried on your person, it is said to protect from monsters, evil eye, storms, depression and magickal attack. In your home or business is protects from disease, ghosts, robbery, etc. It can keep away unwanted guests, while protecting the home!

The skins themselves can be used for gris gris. They are also burned in southern folk magick, much like onion skins. Burned indoors, they keep your money in your home. If you do choose to burn indoors, remember it is very harsh – like slamming a concrete door. So follow up with something gentle – a smudge, an incense, etc.


In Swamp Conjure, garlic is tucked safe and sound under the bed, evil eye will not be a problem! You can also make a ritual bath with…

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Yes/No Questions: Hard to Avoid!

All things metaphysical.

Any tarot reader will tell you that despite your best efforts to use tarot for guidance and to encourage only open-ended questions from your clients, people inevitably want to ask yes/no questions.

And who can blame them, really?

The truth is that we all want to know what’s going to happen. Despite our best efforts to live in the present and not to worry about the future, WE DO. I bet even Eckert Tolle (author of The Power of Now, who I adore) will occasionally lie awake some nights wondering how his next book will be received or how his next overseas tour will go.

If tarot readers are being honest, even they have probably used the cards to attempt to answer a yes/no question from time to time. I know I have. In fact, learning how to answer yes/no questions was one of the first things…

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What is Unattachment and Why Is it Important for our Health and Well-being?

Wellspring Health and Wellness


“Don’t hold on to someone who’s leaving, otherwise you won’t meet the one who’s coming”-Carl Jung

When we were young my husband and I fell deeply, madly, passionately in love with each other and simultaneously with a beautiful twenty acre piece of land nestled in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. It was (and is) a magical place with a creek and open pasture, edged by huge big leaf maples and towering cedar trees. The views of the surrounding mountains were incredible. It felt wild and expansive and we rose to the challenge of filling every inch of it with beautiful dreams of a home and gardens and a family. We were visionaries of the most incredible life and this was the place we were going to sink our roots in and live our whole lives long.

The property wasn’t quite legally subdivided and so couldn’t officially be sold yet, but we…

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